Adult Education

Adult Education Classes – Sundays following worship, at approximately 11:15 am.


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Meeting ID: 819 2310 2879

We provide child care to children under the age of 8 during the worship service, starting at 10:15 am. The caregivers are screened and CPR trained.

The Adult Education program is an important part of Ewing Covenant Presbyterian Church. During the program year, we offer presentations in theology and scripture, spirituality, social issues, and other disciplines.  Its primary focus is to inspire and educate members on the greater denomination, local mission, church issues, and faith development. Each week many dedicated members of our congregation and invited presenters help our church family learn and grow in their faith journey. Past programs have included updates on Palestine, Haiti, and Jamaica; comparative religion conversations by leaders of the Jewish and Islamic communities; and Presbyterian topics such as a review of the General Assembly, Passionate Presbyterians, the Reformation, and the Belhar Confession.